Dear Friends & Family,

 Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things. And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen. Psalm 73:17-19

What a great privilege it is to share the Lord’s wondrous name with other nations! We thank God for the opportunity, and for the part you play with your prayers and financial support. We could name life after life that has been blessed in Him, such as Garry, Abram, Antonio, Mabel, Dora, and so many others.

 Ministry News

 The mission church plant in Tablada is growing, and new Christians are being discipled there and here at Efata Baptist Church as well. Deaf and hearing Christians alike are learning to trust Christ in their daily lives. It is wonderful to see new Christians bringing their loved ones to Christ because they want their loved ones to know the truths they have learned.

Our young people recently went on a week-long missions trip led by youth pastor Wilder Rojas to the jungle city of Pucallpa, where we have a mission church plant. The team experienced missions firsthand as they witnessed, taught and worked in the ministry there. They repaired a roof, helped stucco the walls and built a movable Sunday school wall. Our missionary Pastor Henry Vasquez, his family and the church were greatly blessed, as were the young people who went. We pray God will continue to guide and use them throughout their lives.

A precious little 8 year old deaf girl came from Pucallpa to begin studying in our deaf school. Her name is Angie. Please pray that we can be a blessing to her and that she will be reached for Christ.

Brother Matt McKendree and his wife Sara have been spearheading our annex ministry to the Deaf in Callao. They are doing a tremendous job as they continue to re-establish and grow the ministry of the Deaf there.

We are beginning prayer and logistical investigation for a new church plant in early 2014 in José Galvez, an area south of our location here in Villa El Salvador. Pray for God’s leading in these preparations as well.

 Family News

 Raymond Judd, Lisa’s father, went to be with the Lord on August 1. Lisa and I thank the Lord that we were able to spend some time with him in June and July. We all miss him greatly. He was a faithful servant and a great husband, father and “Grampy!”

 Joseph, our oldest, has applied to Macedonia World Baptist Missions to become a full-fledged missionary. He will begin deputation as a missionary to the Deaf and hearing of Peru. PLEASE pray that God will allow him to raise his support quickly. He has been a tremendous asset in our church, School for the Deaf, youth department and our new church plant.

Julianne, 22, became engaged on her birthday (Aug. 2nd) to a wonderful young man named Frank Miller. They plan to marry on February 7th of next year. They have been courting for several months and have known each other for many years. They will live in SW Florida. Lord willing, we will be in the States as a family from Dec 25th through the wedding.

 James is starting his sophomore year at Baptist College of Ministry. He would much rather be here with us in the work of God, but he knows he is right where he needs to be as he prepares. Pray for his financial situation. He does not yet have enough work income to cover his school expenses.

Jared, Judson, Joy, John, Joel & Jessica, are in school and growing up. Jennifer will tell you now that she is not a baby, she’s a big girl and she’s three!

 Thank you again for praying for us and for participating in the ministry God has entrusted to us.


Joe & Lisa,
Joseph, Julianne, James, Jared, Judson, Joy, John, Joel, Jessica, & Jennifer