Dear Friends and Family,

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

Ephesians 3:20

What a busy but blessed past two months. I am thankful for God’s care. He is able!, and continually shows his blessing and handiwork in our lives.

Ministry News

These past two months have been very busy for us. The school has been on vacation, but we have been working to get ready for the new school year which started March 3rd. The students are still coming in from the provinces and we are doing a great deal of rearranging in the dorms.

Fires of Evangelism Conference in ChiclayoWe returned home to Peru after the wedding of Julianne and have been going ever since. During the last week of Feb. we had our annual Fires of Evangelism Conference. What a great blessing that was. Conference speakers Pastor Gil Torres and Evangelist Bacilio Alfaro did a tremendous job. The conference was held in Chiclayo, Peru this year. Over 20 people were saved and five young people surrendered to full-time Christian service. The services were packed with standing room only every night. Various local pastors worked hard during the year in coordination with myself and Fires to host this wonderful conference. The Spirit was wonderful.

Financially, Efata Ministries has several large needs. I mentioned in our last prayer letter about the need to redo the electrical wiring in the entire complex. Please continue to pray for this very important need. We also need to build more classrooms for the school. We are reopening our High School for the Deaf and need more classroom space for our Bible College. This year we will have several more students. College classes start March 11th. We have several new deaf children in the school this year and some in the dorms. If you would like to help support one of our deaf children, please let us know. $30.00 a month is 10% of the support needed for one child here at Efata. You could help to make an investment in these children’s lives that will make an eternal difference!

Also we have several national pastors, both Deaf and hearing that are struggling financially. If you would like to support one of our national pastors and their church planting works, please let us know.

We will begin Sunday morning services at our Tablada church plant in April. This will be a great advance in that church’s ministry. We are also looking at Deaf ministry options in the Jungle city of Iquitos. Please pray for God’s wisdom in that.

Family News

Julianne and Frank MillerWell, Julianne is now officially Julianne Raye Miller. What a beautiful wedding it was! We were able to live stream the wedding and our church family in Peru was able to watch it as were many others. We will be holding a nice reception for them here in Peru this month since our people were not able to go to the wedding.

We were also able to help Joseph get set up and sent off for his deputation. He is now on full-time deputation raising his support. Please pray for his continued safety and good reception in the churches he is privileged to visit.

James continues to study at Baptist College of Ministry. Continue to pray for him and his studies and work.

Jared is working to finish his High School. Pray for him that he will stay on task so he can start Bible College in the fall. His current plans are to attend Bible College for one year and then transfer into an ROTC program to join the military and eventually become a pilot. In the meantime, he has been a great blessing and help here at Efata in many areas of ministry support.

The other children are doing well and getting back into the school rhythm. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

God Bless,

Bro. Joe & Lisa,
James, Jared, Judson, Joy, John, Joel, Jessica, Jennifer