Dear Friends and Family,

Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! –  Psalm 107:8

These past two months have been very exciting here at Efata and in our family overall.  It never ceases to amaze me how wonderful our God is all times of our lives and ministry.  As the verse above mentions, we should always be a people that praises our LORD for his goodness and all that He does for, through and with us.

Ministry News

This past month we had a wonderful mission conference.  Pastors Franco Loyola from Ecuador and Victor Paez from Venezuela were our special speakers as well as several of our missionaries.  It was an incredible conference.  It was our first ever “Round Robin” conference with three other churches involved.  What a blessing.  It seems that we will be able to increase our Faith Promise Giving.  It is exciting to be a part of sending Peruvian missionaries around the world.

Recently God has allowed me to connect with a top general of the National Police.  He is an evangelical Christian and loves to preach the Gospel.  He is going to help us to a obtain permission to enter any prison in Peru to minister; even allowing us to start churches in some of the larger ones.  There is only one other religious organization that has this permission.  These fields are “white unto harvest”.  He even wants to make it possible for me to preach and teach in the Officers academy of the National Police.  What an opportunity.  Pray that this all works out.

Joseph has started a new Deaf ministry in El Augustino, an area about 45 minutes north of us by private auto. A church there has allowed us to use its facilities to minister to the Deaf in that area.  There are new deaf people who have not had much connection with us at Efata nor much education.  This is the Deaf mission field that is right before our eyes in our large city. With the help of some of our Deaf here at Efata, he is working hard to reach these wonderful people with the Gospel.

We rejoice that we were able to put the new roof on the cafeteria.  It has been a long time in coming.  We still need funds to finish it.  We need to run new electrical work, lighting, etc., as well as new paint and floor tile.  Pray for God´s provision for this project.  Our Pregnancy Crisis Center is under the same roof and we have had its operations scaled back until we can finish the roof and its accompanying repairs and installations.

The blessing is that the framework is in place to build six new classrooms for the school and church use.  All we need to do is put a roof on the second story structure and build the walls and infrastructure.

Family News

David Jonathan

Grandson David Jonathan Miller

IT’S OFFICIAL! Lisa and I are grandparents!  Julianne and Frank were blessed with a healthy baby boy – David Jonathan – on June 14th. You can see how handsome he is in the photo!  Lisa went up to help with the birth and I was able to coordinate a visit in conjunction to some VA medical exams that I had.

Zulema, Joseph’s wife, is doing much better with her pregnancy as well.  She had it rough with morning sickness.  Their baby is due in December.

We continue to see souls saved and are excited about the work the Lord is doing here at Efata and at our mission churches throughout Peru. Pray as we look at another area to start a new work during the coming months.   I am currently discipling two men.  One, Ronald, lives in one of the areas where we wish to start a work.  Pray that God will help him to grow and become a leader in His work.

Jared graduated from the one-year Bible college program at Master’s Baptist College in Fargo, ND.  He is very excited.  He has a good job and great opportunities there.  He has decided to continue in the college this year.  Continue to pray for God’s leading in his life.

James has one more year to go to finish at Baptist College of Ministry.  Pray for him for his finances and his summer internship.

Thank you all for your wonderful love and care for our ministry here in Peru and beyond.

Joe & Lisa
James, Jared, Judson, Joy, John, Joel, Jessica, Jennifer