Dear Friends and Family,
This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
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As 2018 ends and we prepare for 2019, I Think of the verse above and not only rejoice in the “day” that the Lord has made, but in the year that the Lord has made and allowed us to continue to serve him.
I want to let you all know that we are greatly blessed by your prayers and financial care for us as we all partner together to fulfill our Lords command to go into all the world and preach the Gospel.
This year has seen so many blessings and overcome trials that we can only look back and see how great our God is and can agree with the Psalmist when he wrote multiple times in Psalm 107: Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!
This year we have seen many deaf and hearing saved, baptized and growing in the Lord. We have seen marriages strengthened, abortions averted, ground-breaking advancement on a new church plant, young people more dedicated and improvement in infrastructure of our facilities.
2018 was special as well in that our son James graduated with his master’s degree in Missions from Baptist College of Ministry and was married, and he and his wife Ann are expecting their first child. He is also a full-time missionary who is spending 6 months here at Efata before embarking on their deputation to raise their support to come and work in Peru as well. Joseph and Zulema with their two little ones will also be on furlough/deputation beginning in Feb. of 2019. We are also excited for Julianne and Frank who are expecting their 4th child in March.
During 2018, we had the blessing and honor to travel over 50,000 miles reporting to churches and visiting new churches to give an account of our stewardship of the sacrificial giving and financial support for Efata Ministries and our family; as well as challenging and encouraging churches regarding missions and Deaf missions specifically. Though we were not able to visit all our churches that partner with us this furlough, we will do all we can to catch up with you all as the Lord gives opportunity. It was a blessing to meet some new pastors of churches that have been supporting us for many years and to forge a solid relationship with these servants of the Lord and they lead their churches onward for the Lord. We will also miss our pastor friends who have moved on or passed away during our time here in Peru.
2019 looks to be a year of many opportunities and challenges for us here in Peru and we look forward to seeing how God leads and guides us as we move forward for Him in this new year that is upon us The blessing is we will not be facing this new year alone. We know that God is with us and that you are there for us as well with your prayers, notes of encouragement financial gifts and support. May God continue to use you all for His glory where you are and around the world.

Joe & Lisa
Joy, John, Joel, Jessica, Jennifer