Dear Friends and Family,
For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?
1 Thessalonians 2:19
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As we serve together here in Peru as your faithful partners in the Lord, busy about the Master’s business, we know that one day we will be with our Savior and rejoice in His presence with those who came to know Him. It is wonderful to see people’s understanding opened and their eyes alight with joy to know Christ. We have been blessed by many different opportunities this summer.
Ministry News
The new school year has started for the Deaf children, and it is good to see them back again along with some new students God sent our way.

Two of the Deaf boys who grew up here and lived here as orphans were reunited with their family. They graduated from the school, and a few months ago their brother came to visit them. From there, we were able to get in touch with their mom. She lives several hours from Lima in a rural community.
The judge turned custody over to her, and with the help of an organization, we were able to purchase several Guinea pigs for them to raise and sell as a business. We are thrilled that after all these years they were able to reconnect with their family. Both boys were saved and baptized during their years with us.
I am currently teaching our Bible Institute which I enjoy immensely. We have twenty students from our church enrolled. Our Bible College started a bit late due to a reorganization, but it is going well with seven hearing students and one Deaf. Two young men in the seminary have surrendered to preach to the Deaf and we are excited for them. Please pray that they will stay focused and dedicated during these years of preparation.
Please pray for the Montufar family; we were able to lead them to the Lord and have begun marriage counseling and discipleship with them. Brother Montufar is a retired police colonel. One of his sons, who is a police helicopter pilot, also received Christ with his wife in our annex ministry in Pucallpa, a jungle city. They have been faithful to services as his work schedule allows. We are praying for his other son who also is a pilot with the police here in Lima. This family has a burden for their friends, and invited others over who we were also able to lead to the Lord. We praise the Lord for these opportunities.
On Mother’s Day we had over 120 come for a banquet, and many ladies came for the first time and heard the Gospel. Many deaf ladies as well as hearing were presented with God’s precious Word.
On the 19th we had a wonderful anniversary service. We were able to see five people baptized and just had a sweet time of fellowship with the church family.
We are still working on the issue with the municipality and the tax situation. There really has been no movement on that front as we wait for the appeal process to move. We are praying that through the current laws and our situation, we will see some relief.
Family News
Joseph and James and their families are currently on deputation/furlough to raise their support to come back to Peru. We praise God for providing for their vehicle needs. Please pray that God will provide for their daily needs and especially meetings to present their ministry. I know they would love to hear from you. Contact info: Joseph & Zulema Kotvas – 904-335-8563,; James & Ann Kotvas – 303-718-2801,
Jared is doing well in the Air Force, and Judson is currently deployed overseas in the Marine Corps. He is also doing well. Please pray for his Pastor, Dr. Ray Warren from Liberty Baptist Church in Holly Springs, NC. for the Lord to intercede for his health. He is a good friend of ours.
The children at home are doing well. Joy is attending the Bible institute as well as starting her last year of high school. John, Joel, Jessica and Jennifer are doing well in school and at home. We enjoy having both Joy and John interpret. It is hard to believe that our youngest will be nine in July.

Lisa and I were able with points and a voucher to fly to the States in April for a few days to visit our new grandson, Nathaniel Miller. He is so precious! Julianne and Frank have now given us four grandchildren. We were also able to see Judson before he deployed and catch a dinner with Jared and Joseph and family. What a blessing!
We are so thankful for modern means of communication to keep up with our seven grandchildren and five adult children as they are all so far away now.
As always, thank you so much for your prayers, support and care for us as we plant churches, train deaf and hearing, care for orphans and widows and see people saved and baptized here in Peru.
Bro. Joe & Lisa
Joy, John, Joel, Jessica, Jennifer