Dear Friends and Family,

God is always good, and we are grateful for that goodness towards us. It reminds me of what the Lord said about Israel in the latter days:

For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim: Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days. – Hosea 3:4-5.

We, like Israel, need to reverence (fear) the Lord and His goodness towards us!

Ministry News

We continue to work on our Church building project in Chancay. Many have given to this project and we are so grateful to all of you. The Mission will begin using the new building in January. We still have a water tank to install and are doing paperwork for the electricity to be connected. That will take some time, but we are working towards that goal.

In October we had a wonderful Family Day for the church where we took pictures of all our church families and had a lovely meal on the grounds.

Expositores Conferencia Bíblica 2024

In November, we had our annual Bible Conference. Pastor Scott Crabtree, Deaf Pastor of Signs of Life Baptist Church in Ohio preached to our Deaf, and Evangelist William Jeffcoat came and preached to our hearing members. Both conferences were wonderful with many decisions made.

We started another annex outreach in the town of Lurín just south of us. We are looking forward to what God will do in this new area. One of our Bible College graduates from last year is heading up this ministry.

Visitación en Lurin

This year, two Deaf students from our Deaf Bible Institute and one student from our Bible College will be graduating.

This year has been a great year for salvations, baptisms and baby dedications. As we close this year, we look forward to the next. There is so much to do. We look forward to Deaf camp and the Fires of Evangelism Conference in February. We also have another mass evangelism campaign scheduled for January.

One great difficulty that we have been facing is with our annex mission in Callao near the airport. We have been dealing with the municipality for many years to advocate for the title to the land that was donated to us in 1987. Unfortunately, the current mayor is trying to reappropriate untitled land back into their control for other purposes.

We have been in the battle for a long time. Two weeks ago, the municipality annulled the resolutions that we have from former years making them of no effect. We are now working with lawyers to deal with this. Since we have had possession of this land for over 30 years and we have paid all of the taxes and kept them up to date, they cannot kick us off the property and our rights of possession for over 10 years should give us favorable standing in the courts, legally speaking, to eventually win and obtain our title. We are basically in a holding pattern that does not allow us to build any much-needed space as we do not wish to presumptively build where by some weird happenstance, we could lose that land to the government. This lawsuit will probably go on for many years. We ask that you make it a matter of regular prayer. I will keep you up to date on this issue.

Family News

The family is doing well. Lisa and I just went to the States for a few days for the graduation of our daughter Joy from USAF Basic Training. She is in the Air National Guard. She will be on active training duty until late next year.

Joel, Jessica and Jennifer are doing great. Jessica and Jennifer are playing their instruments in the small church orchestra and singing in the choir. They also help in children’s church.

Thanks again for all that you do for us with your prayer and care. Thank you for the Christmas offerings for our ministry and family. Have a blessed Christmas and New Year.


Joe Kotvas Signature

Joe & Lisa
Joel, Jessica, Jennifer