July – August 2020

Dear Friends and Family,

3And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?  4And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.  5For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.  6And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.  8All these are the beginning of sorrows…

—Matthew 24:3-8

What an interesting time we live in. I have never seen such a unity of end-times events in my life–pestilences such as locusts in Asia, exponentially more dangerous natural disasters (fires raging, hurricanes, tornados, forty-mile-wide land storms such as “Derecho” in Iowa, earthquakes in unusual places, volcanic eruptions) pandemics, wars and rumors of wars, many false Christs and prophets (just peruse YouTube), right turned to wrong and wrong turned to right, children against their parents, irresponsible parents, love waxing cold, etc. All these are converging at this point in history.

Just remember the words above, “be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” We do not know when Jesus is coming, so all I can say as I look forward to the “Blessed Hope” is, “Even so, come Lord Jesus!” Until then, we will be busy about our Master’s business.

We will not let the circumstances of life around us discourage us. Persecution, already present in a large part of the world, is coming our way. This too must come to pass. Regardless, we have this promise from our Savior:

35Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?  36As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.  37Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

Romans 8:35-37

Ministry News

Not much has changed here since our last prayer letter regarding the restrictions on gatherings. There was some relief, but then the government clamped down again when the number of new cases of COVID-19 began to rise. They have imposed martial law restrictions again on Sundays, when no one can be out except with special permission. International travel continues to be restricted by the government, and public services are limited. Several pastors have died because of the pandemic. One, Luis Navarro, was only forty-two years old. He was a friend. Several members of our church have experienced losses of loved ones.

Preaching Online for the Deaf and Hearing

We continue to minister through social media for all our services, Sunday school meetings, and programs for teens and children. We also continue to distribute food to many in need. We are seeing souls saved despite all the restrictions. Pray for these new Christians as they grow.

No in-person meetings will be permitted this year. Schools will continue to teach online until next year as well. This is a horrible situation for students and especially for the Deaf and children with special needs. Our teachers continue to work hard to teach those who have access to the internet.

Family News

As you know from our last letter, several of us tested positive for COVID. Lisa was the hardest affected, with headaches, breathing issues, pain, and discomfort in her chest. The rest of us appear to have been asymptomatic if our tests were accurate, although I have my doubts about that. The blessing is that all of us are well now. Lisa is doing great, and none of us have any residual issues or side effects. The same goes for our son Joseph, who works with us here.

Joseph and Zulema are expecting their third child. Because theirs is a high-risk pregnancy, they have a C-section scheduled for September 8th. We are looking forward to their little addition to the family. Please pray for them that everything will go smoothly. Also be in prayer for Julianne, our daughter who lives in Florida, who is expecting her fifth child in late September or early October. When these two children are born, Lisa and I will have ten grandchildren. What a joy!

James and Ann and their two little ones are doing well. God was very gracious to them with His presence during this time of trials. A complicated pregnancy with extended hospitalization ended in little Jimmy’s premature birth, requiring him to be hospitalized for about two months. Some churches canceled as well due to COVID restrictions. Please pray for God to fill their schedule again and for God’s continued protection, provision, and guidance for their precious family on the deputation road.

Our Marine, Judson, was recently promoted. He is now a corporal, having just completed Embassy Security training, and is waiting for his first deployment overseas. Jared is doing great in the Air Force in Florida.

Prayers and Thanks

We have enjoyed hearing from many of you as you have written and called to inquire about our well-being and the well-being of the ministry here in Peru during these crazy months. Thank you to all of you who remember us in your prayers and who support us in our work.



Bro. Joe & Lisa
Joy, John, Joel, Jessica, and Jennifer

Mayo – Junio 2020

Queridos amigos y familia,

2 Todo el día mis enemigos me pisotean; Porque muchos son los que pelean contra mí con soberbia. 3 En el día que temo, Yo en ti confío. 4 En Dios alabaré su palabra; En Dios he confiado; no temeré; ¿Qué puede hacerme el hombre? 5 Todos los días ellos pervierten mi causa; Contra mí son todos sus pensamientos para mal. 6 Se reúnen, se esconden, Miran atentamente mis pasos, Como quienes acechan a mi alma. – Salmo 56:2-6

(¿Necesitas imprimir esta carta? ¡Haz click aquí para descargarlo!)

Estos dos últimos meses han sido un gran reto para todos nosotros. Hemos estado bajo restricciones muy rígidas que finalmente se han relajado un poco ahora en julio. Estamos anhelando reunirnos nuevamente en la iglesia.

Como el salmista arriba declaró su confianza en el Señor, declaramos también nuestra confianza en Dios. Aunque nuestros enemigos pueden ser otros, la necesidad de confiar en Dios en todas las cosas y en todo momento sigue siendo la misma para el hijo de Dios. Dios NUNCA nos ha fallado y nunca lo hará. Esto no significa que los resultados serán de nuestro agrado todo el tiempo. Nuestro objetivo y deseo es responder con fe y confianza para que Dios sea glorificado en nuestras vidas y para que otros vean a Cristo en nosotros, ¡la esperanza de la gloria!

Noticias del ministerio

Seguimos bajo restricciones de reunión. No podemos abrir la iglesia y parece que no podremos hacerlo por algún tiempo todavía. El gobierno ha decidido no abrir las escuelas hasta el próximo año. Nuestros maestros están enseñando por video, pero eso no es ideal para nuestros estudiantes sordos. Estamos orando por la dirección de Dios en esta área, ya que estamos viendo muchos cambios que nos afectarán en gran medida.

Seguimos predicando en línea. Tenemos servicios para sordos y oyentes los domingos y miércoles. También tenemos programas para jóvenes y niños, y conferencias. Continuamos haciendo todo lo posible para ser flexibles y creativos en estos tiempos inusuales.

Varios miembros de la familia de nuestra iglesia han sido afectados con muertes relacionadas con COVID. Hacemos todo lo posible para consolar, pero el no poder tener velorios es muy limitante. He realizado velorios en línea, pero no es lo mismo.

También hemos continuado alimentando a cientos de personas que tienen poco o nada – los jueves para nuestra gente de la iglesia y los viernes para el público. Gracias a todos los que nos han ayudado a comprar alimentos. Entregamos folletos y usamos un megáfono para predicar a las personas en la línea mientras que esperan la entrega de víveres. Seguiremos haciendo esto mientras que Dios nos permite.

Continuamos siendo bendecidos al ver almas salvadas y esperando en lista para su bautismo durante estos tiempos.

Todos estamos usando mascarillas de protección en Efata. Vinieron del ministerio de salud a darnos pruebas del coronavirus a los que lo necesitaban, y un total de siete personas dieron positivo para el virus. Desafortunadamente, tendremos que suspender el programa de alimentos durante algunas semanas hasta que todo salga bien.

Noticias de la familia

Lisa dio positivo por coronavirus hace casi dos semanas. Gracias a Dios se detectaron temprano sus síntomas, y Lisa lo está llevando bien. Ella está tomando varios medicamentos para ayudarla con el virus. Tiene muchos dolores de cabeza, dolor de garganta y cansancio. Tiene asma, por lo que debe tener cuidado y estar bajo la supervisión de un médico.

Aproximadamente una semana después, obtuve resultados positivos al igual que John y Joel. Nos quedamos en la casa para mantenernos alejados de todos, excepto de que yo vaya a mi oficina, que también está aislada. Hasta ahora, no he manifestado ningún síntoma o problema, ni tampoco la mayoría de los niños. John tenía lo que parecía ser un resfriado y tos, pero desapareció. El resto de los niños no muestran ningún problema a pesar de que todos estamos en la casa juntos. Fuimos detectados bastante temprano en la etapa uno así que, hasta ahora, todo bien, el Señor nos tuvo misericordia.

Joseph también dio positivo, y deberá tener mucho cuidado ya que Zulema, su esposa, está pasando por un embarazo difícil. No queremos que contraiga el virus.

Nuestro agradecimiento

Por favor continúen orando por nuestra familia y el ministerio aquí en Perú. Ustedes son nuestro apoyo espiritual y los amamos por ello. Gracias por unirse a nosotros en oración y apoyo durante estos tiempos únicos y desafiantes. Estamos orando por ustedes. Estamos muy conscientes de que todos ustedes también están enfrentando desafíos y no damos por sentado los increíbles sacrificios que están haciendo para seguir apoyando a sus misioneros.



Hno. Joe y Lisa,
Joy, John, Joel, Jessica, y Jennifer

May – June 2020

Dear Friends and Family,

Mine enemies would daily swallow me up: for they be many that fight against me, O thou most High. 3 What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. 4 In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me. 5 Every day they wrest my words: all their thoughts are against me for evil. 6 They gather themselves together, they hide themselves, they mark my steps, when they wait for my soul. Psalms 56:2-6

These last two months have been incredibly challenging for all of us.  We have been under these very rigid restrictions that have finally loosened up a bit now in July.  We are looking forward to when we can meet in church again.

(Need to print this letter? Click here to download a PDF!)

As the Psalmist above declared his trust in the LORD, we also declare our trust in God.  Though our enemies may be different, the need to trust God in all things and at all times remains the same for the child of God.  God has NEVER failed us and never will.  This does not mean that the outcomes will be to our liking all the time.  Our goal and desire with our lives is to react in faith and trust so that God will be glorified in and through our lives and that others will see Christ in us- the Hope of Glory!

Ministry News

We are still under meeting restrictions.  We cannot open church up and it looks like we will not be able to do so for some time yet.  The government still has decided not to allow the schools to open again until next year.  Our teachers are teaching via video but that is not very optimal for our deaf students. We are praying for God’s leading in this area as we are seeing many changes that will greatly affect us. 

We continue to preach on-line.  We have conferences, services for Deaf and hearing on Sundays and Wednesdays.  We also have on-line programs for young people and children.  We continue to do all we can to be flexible and creative in these unusual times. 

Several of our church family have been affected with deaths related to COVID. We do all we can to comfort, but not being able to have funeral services is very limiting in this.  I have done funeral services on-line, but it is not the same. 

We have also continued to feed hundreds of people who have little or nothing on Thursdays for our church people and Fridays for the public.  We would like to thank all those who have given to help us buy the food.  We give them a tract and use a megaphone to preach to the people in line waiting for the food.  We will continue to do this as God provides.

We continue to be blessed by seeing souls saved and ones ready for baptism during these times as well.

We are all using masks in Efata.  Several health officials came to give anyone here who wants one a test to see if there are more people who are positive, and a total of seven people tested positive for the virus. Unfortunately, we will have to suspend the food program for a few weeks until this all works out.

Family News

Lisa tested positive for coronavirus almost two weeks ago. Fortunately, it was caught early, and Lisa is dealing with it well. She is taking various medications to help her with the virus.  She has a lot of headaches, a sore throat and tiredness. She has asthma, so she must be careful and is under a doctor’s supervision. A week or so later, I tested positive as did John and Joel. We are staying in the house to keep away from everybody except for me going to my office which is isolated as well. So far, I have not had any symptoms or issues, nor have most of the kids. John had what appeared to be a cold and cough, but it went away.  The rest of the kids are showing no issues whatsoever even though we are all in the house together. We were detected fairly early in stage one so, so far, so good, the Lord being gracious to us.

Joseph also tested positive, and he will have to be very careful as Zulema, his wife has been going through a difficult pregnancy. We do not want her to get the virus.

Our Thanks

Please continue to pray for our family and the ministry here in Peru.  You are our spiritual support and we love you for it.  Thank you for uniting with us in prayer and support during these uniquely challenging times.  We are praying for you as well.  We are keenly aware that you all are experiencing challenges as well and do not take for granted the incredible sacrifices that are being made by all of you to keep supporting your missionaries.



Bro. Joe & Lisa,
Joy, John, Joel, Jessica, and Jennifer

Marzo – Abril 2020

Porque si callas absolutamente en este tiempo, respiro y liberación vendrá de alguna otra parte para los judíos; mas tú y la casa de tu padre pereceréis. ¿Y quién sabe si para esta hora has llegado al reino? Ester 4:14

Estas semanas han sido únicas para todos nosotros en todo el mundo, un evento único en la vida. La bendición es que Dios realmente tiene el control y tiene un plan para nosotros durante este tiempo así como tenía un plan para Esther en su tiempo.

Quiero decir que usted y yo estamos aquí para “un tiempo como este”. Dios nos ha elegido a nosotros para tener el privilegio de servirle en estos días únicos. No es el tiempo de Pablo ni de Pedro. No es el tiempo de Roger Williams. No es el tiempo de Whitefield. No es el tiempo de Spurgeon. No es el tiempo de Bob Jones. No es el tiempo de Lester Roloff. No es el tiempo de Lee Roberson. No es el tiempo de Richard Riley. ES NUESTRO TIEMPO, para servir a nuestro Dios y hacer su voluntad HOY. Mañana pertenece al Señor y a nuestros hijos.

Como siervos de Dios, debemos esperar las oportunidades que Dios nos presentará en nuestro tiempo, no mirando atrás con nostalgia, sino adelante con la expectativa que Dios nos usará hoy. ¡Qué momento tan emocionante para ser cristiano y ver a Dios trabajar!

Noticias del ministerio

Como saben, como muchos otros misioneros en todo el mundo, estamos en estado de emergencia y cuarentena. Para nosotros aquí en Perú, es similar a la ley marcial. Nuestros movimientos están muy restringidos bajo pena de arresto y multas masivas. Solo una persona de cada familia puede salir durante ciertas horas del día para ir a la tienda a comprar comida. Como ejemplo, mi hijo, misionero Joseph Kotvas, fue a la tienda a comprar comida y un par de zapatos para su hijo JJ, ya que sus zapatos estaban rotos y gastados. No le dejaron comprar los zapatos. Extendieron la cuarentena hasta el 24 de mayo, y probablemente la extenderán aún más. Hay días en los que nadie puede salir.

Existen algunos permisos especiales para quienes participan en el suministro de alimentos para personas mayores u otras personas. Dos de nuestros pastores tienen este permiso especial y, por lo tanto, se les permite salir en nuestros vehículos al programa del banco de alimentos y obtener donaciones que luego agregamos a lo que compramos para nuestra gente de la iglesia y otras personas necesitadas. Una o dos veces a la semana proporcionamos alimentos a más de 75 familias. Cuando nos enteramos de casos especiales, juntamos bolsas de comida y las llevamos a familias necesitadas. Estamos agradecidos por los sacrificios de algunos en los Estados Unidos que, en medio de sus propias necesidades, como los filipenses, abundaron para nosotros al proporcionar fondos para comprar los alimentos necesarios para otros.

Nuestra escuela está cerrada y estamos impartiendo enseñanza virtual a aquellos a quienes podemos llegar. Estamos predicando en línea, publicando las prédicas en la página de Facebook de nuestra iglesia (Iglesia Bautista Efata). También estamos organizando conferencias Bíblicas virtuales de una semana para sordos y una para oyentes en el mes de mayo. Adoptamos la modalidad virtual para nuestro Colegio Bíblico y nuestro Instituto Bíblico, y para un programa para niños.

Hemos tenido a siete personas sordas salvadas por los medios virtuales, y también algunos oyentes. Una señora oyente fue salvada en la puerta cuando Lisa estaba distribuyendo comida. Varias de las familias de nuestros niños sordos están muy afectadas con parientes contagiados por el virus. Un joven sordo, Eddie, perdió a su madre el año pasado y recientemente perdió a su padre por una condición médica. Debido al encierro, él está solo. Uno de nuestros pastores sordos, Frank, pudo hablar con él a través de WhatsApp para consolarle y preguntarle sobre su salvación, ya que era un estudiante contemporáneo con Frank cuando eran más jóvenes aquí en Efata. Eddie dijo que no estaba seguro, y Pastor Frank pudo guiarlo al Señor en la salvación. Cuánto nos alegra que pudimos satisfacer sus necesidades físicas a través de la comida, pero también logramos satisfacer sus necesidades espirituales y emocionales a través del Evangelio del Señor Jesucristo.

Noticias de la familia

Nuestra familia está segura y bien. Estamos agradecidos con el Señor por el nacimiento seguro de nuestro octavo nieto, James Raymond Kotvas, quien nació de James y Ann después de un embarazo difícil. Ellos están bien. Oren por nuestra nuera Zulema, la esposa de Joseph. Ella está pasando un momento extremadamente difícil con su embarazo. Este será su tercer hijo. Julianne también está esperando el número cinco, así que por favor continúen orando por ella también. Cuando nazcan estos dos, tendremos 10 nietos. ¡Qué bendita herencia!

En Efata, hemos agregado un burro y dos cabras a la familia, provenientes de un zoológico de mascotas que se cerró debido al virus. Añaden un poco de sabor al complejo. John está disfrutando de sus nuevos “cargos”. Son una gran adición a todas las aves, conejos, perros, patos, pollos y peces que complementan la belleza y vida de nuestro complejo. A los niños sordos y a los hijos del los integrantes de nuestro equipo que viven aquí les ENCANTA alimentarlos y mirarlos. ¿Cuántos niños en los Estados Unidos que viven en una gran ciudad pueden decir que tienen todos esos animales para disfrutar y aprender de ellos? Somos bendecidos.

Nuestro agradecimiento

Gracias una vez más por todas sus oraciones y apoyo. No damos por sentado que muchos de ustedes están haciendo sacrificios durante estos días para poder mantener su apoyo a la obra del Señor aquí en Perú. También estamos seguros de que aquellos que no han podido, debido a las dificultades financieras, todavía nos están levantando en oración. ¡Los amamos a todos!


March – April 2020

Dear Friends and Family,

For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? – Esther 4:14

These weeks have been unique for all of us around the world – a once in a lifetime event.  The blessing is that God truly is in control and I believe He has a plan for all of us during this time as he did for Esther in her time.

I want to say that you and I are here for “such a time as this.”  We are the ones that God has chosen to have the privilege of serving Him in these unique days.  It is not Paul’s time. It is not Peter’s time, It is not Roger Williams’ time. It is not Whitefield’s time. It is not Spurgeon’s time. It is not Bob Jones’ time. It is not Lester Roloff’s time.  It is not Lee Roberson’s time.  It not Richard Riley’s time.  IT IS OUR TIME.  It is for us to serve our God and do his will TODAY.  For tomorrow belongs to the Lord and our children.

We as God’s servants need to look forward to the opportunities that God is presenting us in our unique time, not looking back in nostalgia but looking forward in expectation as to how God will use us today.

What exciting times to be a Christian and see God work!!!

Ministry News

As you know, like many other missionaries around the world, we are in a state of emergency quarantine.  For us here in Peru, it is akin to martial law.  Our movement are very restricted under penalty of arrest and massive fines. Only one person in a family can go out during certain hours of the day to go to the store to buy food.  As an example, my son and missionary Joseph went to the store to buy food and a pair of shoes for his son JJ’s as his shoes were torn and worn.  They would not let him buy the shoes.

They have extended the quarantine to at least May 10th and they will probably extend it further.  There are some days were no one can go out at all.

There are some special permissions for those who are involved in providing food supplies for the elderly or others.  We have two of our pastors who have this special permission and thus they are allowed to go out in our vehicles to the food bank program and get donations which we then add to what we purchase for our church people and others who are needy and once or twice a week we are able to provide food for over 75 families on a weekly basis.  When we hear of a special case, we put together care bags of food and take it to families in need.  We are thankful for the sacrifices of some in the States who, in the midst of their own needs, like the Philippians, have abounded to ours by providing funds for us to purchase needed food for others.

Our school is shut down and we are doing virtual teaching to those who we can reach.  We are preaching online which is posted to our church’s Facebook page (Iglesia Bautista Efata).  We are also hosting weeklong virtual Bible Conferences for both the Deaf and hearing in the month of May.    We went virtual for our Bible College and also our Bible Institute, as well as a children’s program.

We have had as of now seven Deaf people saved through the virtual out reaches and some hearing.  One hearing lady was saved at our front door when Lisa was distributing food.

Several of the families of our deaf children have been greatly affected with family members struck with the virus.  One deaf young man, Eddie, lost his mother last year and recently lost his father to a medical condition. Because of the lockdown, he is all alone.  One of our Deaf pastors, Frank while talking with him via WhatsApp, was able to comfort him and inquire about his salvation as he was a student contemporary with Frank when they were younger here at Efata.  Eddie said he was not sure, and Pastor Frank was able to guide him to the Lord in Salvation. We rejoice that not only are we able to meet his physical needs by way of food, but we are able to meet his spiritual and emotional needs through the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Family News

Our family is safe and doing well.  We are thankful to the Lord for the safe birth of our eighth grandchild, James Raymond Kotvas who was born to James and Ann after a difficult pregnancy. They are doing well.  Please pray for our Daughter-in-law, Joseph’s wife Zulema. She is having an exceedingly difficult time with her pregnancy health wise.  This will be their third child.  Julianne is also expecting number five, so please continue to pray for her also. When these two are born, that will make 10 grandkids – What a blessed heritage!

At Efata, we have added a donkey and two goats to the Efata family here from a petting zoo that was closed due to the virus.  They add some spice to the complex.  John is enjoying his new “charges”. It is a great addition to all the birds, rabbits, dogs, ducks, chickens and fish that add some beauty and life to our complex.  The Deaf and staff children who live here LOVE to feed and watch them.  How many kids in America living in a big city can say they have all those animals to enjoy and learn about?  We are blessed.

Our Thanks

Thank you once again for everything you do for us in your prayers and support.  We do not take for granted that many of you are making sacrifices during these days to be able to maintain your support for the work of the Lord here in Peru.  We also are assured that those who have not been able, due to the financial hardships, are still lifting us up in prayer.  We love all of you!
