July – September 2016

Dear Friends and Family,

“ The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.” Proverbs 21:1

The container arrives.

Arrival of the Container

The container arrives.

The container arrives.

The container arrives.

Ministry News
It’s here! The container has finally been released and arrived at Efata at about 12:30am on Friday Sept. 23rd, ending a 10-month long process that would take pages to explain.   We are so thankful to the Lord for His blessings.  I must say that I have learned a new level of patience throughout this process.One of the many blessings of this event was that the container storage company, Fargoline, who some say does not give many discounts, granted us a 90% discount on the storage fees for the container.  So what would have been over $16,000 with storage and other service fees, was reduced to a little over $4000.00.   Glory to God!   We are grateful to them and thankful to  the Lord for working in hearts.  As the verse above states, God turns the heart of authorities (kings).We are extremely grateful to those who gave to make this possible. There were churches and individuals who gave sacrificially for the items that were in the container, the cost to ship the container and all the expenses related to the paperwork processes, storage and movement here in Peru. This was a very daunting and frustrating process but we have learned a great deal.

We are thrilled to finally have the tracts and Bibles that we can now distribute throughout our ministries here in Peru. We are thanking the Lord for church pews, and chairs, used clothing, new clothing, school uniforms, shoes, 28 tables, special needs equipment for a very handicapped little boy, silverware griddles, crockpots towels, sheets, computers for school, huge boxes of toys, plus little bikes, ride on toys, school supplies as well as teachers resources, library books changing table for the nursery, a Ping-Pong table, a Foosball table, and many sports supplies, picture frames and more.

In November we will be having two Bible Conferences, one for the hearing and one for the Deaf.  We are so excited about these conferences for our church people.

Please pray for me as I am making contacts with officials in the National Police for open doors into their schools and institutions to teach Biblical ethics and morals.  A great need here in Peru.  I will let you know more about this as it progresses.

Family News

We are grandparents times 3 now!  Julianne delivered a beautiful baby boy – Andrew.   Sunday night the 25th of September.  Lisa and I were returning from a preaching engagement that I had two hours away and when we arrived home at 1:30am we were greeted by a surprise visit from Frank and Julianne and their two boys David and Andrew.  What a blessing to hold my new grandson for the first time.

Judson is almost done with his high school.  I will be bringing him back to the States to complete his enlistment process for the Marine Corps.  Please pray for God’s guidance in this process for him.

James, will be coming down for the Bible conference for the hearing to help with the interpreting.  We are so looking forward to seeing him again as well.  He just started his Master’s program at Baptist College of Ministry.

Jared continues to work in Fargo, ND and attend Fargo Baptist Church.  He is active in the church and is preparing to go into the military.

John, Joel, Jessica and Jennifer are doing well.  The kids are growing up and once Judson leaves, we will only have five children at home.  Lisa is currently taking care of a newborn baby that the government brought by who was abandoned.  Other than getting less sleep, it is nice having a baby in the house for a while.

Thank you all for your prayers and support.

Bro. Joe & Lisa
Judson, Joy, John, Joel, Jessica, Jennifer

March – May 2016

Dear Friends and Family,

“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10

We praise God for HE gives the victory in our lives, our ministry, and our hope is in HIM. We apologize that this letter has been late to get to you. We were delaying it a bit in hopes of having good news about the container that we have been waiting for almost seven months. More about that below.

Ministry News

The Efata ChoirThe 21-23rd of May we celebrated our church Anniversary. My son, James, and a group from Baptist College of Ministry in Menomonee Falls, WI came down during that time and provided special music for the conference among many other things.

Pastor Joel Marsh, a great preacher and dear friend came down for the Anniversary conference and brought two men with him. God led him and used him greatly and we just thank God for the blessings during our anniversary week. We saw several saved, a baptism, and 10 joined the church.

Our deaf school’s anniversary was held last week, and it was a special time for all our students. By surprise, a group came by to visit on Tuesday, brought by a missionary friend, and God used them as a channel to give many goodies to the school children. God’s timing is perfect. Efata Christian School was established 46 years ago by founding missionary Vernon Miller. He and his wife Velma were deaf missionaries who allowed God to use their lives. We pray that God will continue to send forth laborers into His harvest, from the USA, from Peru, and all over the World. The deaf need to see the Gospel preached to them!

Last week, (June 9-12), I had the privilege of preaching a couple hours north of our home, at the Living Fountain Bible Baptist Church for their 20th anniversary. The church was full. Praise God for the opportunity to be used to encourage this church and their Pastor. James and Judson sang “the Love of God, How Marvelous, and Strong”; It is a joy to see our children praising our great God! All of our kids sang together Saturday evening.

The Missions Conference BanquetOn June 14th to the 18th, we had the joy of having Pastor Austin Gardner from Vision Baptist Church in Alpharetta, Ga with us to preach our Mission Conference. What a great blessing he was. Please pray as God uses this conference to touch the hearts of our church to be used as He chooses in missions. We know that God sent HIS Son because He loves us. We pray that we will see people through His eyes.

Please continue to pray for the release of the container. There were a few more delays in the paperwork, and the man who was to sign the resolution passed away last week. A new president was also voted in last week. We are being assured by them that it should be signed and sent to us by the end of this next week. We pray that it is, but we also know that God’s timing is perfect. Thank you for your prayers.

Family News

The first part of May, Lisa and I were in the States for James’, our second son’s, graduation from Baptist College of Ministry in Menomonee Falls, WI. It was a great blessing. He then came down to Peru with a group of 12 from the college. We loved having Bro. Zempel and his wife Elizabeth, as well as the young people who came down with them They taught intensive classes in Violin, clarinet, and Piano, taught the children’s choir, held a staff retreat, and helped in many, many other ways. They were a great influence on our children and all of our church; what a tremendous blessing for our family, staff, and our children.

Please pray for Julianne, our oldest daughter and her husband, as they deliver their second baby the first week of July. Lisa will be going up to help for a month.

Please pray that God will continue to provide for the needs of Efata, the church, school, Bible Institute, Bible College, and home as well as the pregnancy crisis center. Pray He will use each one for His honor and Glory

Thank you all for your prayers and support.

Bro. Joe & Lisa
Judson, Joy, John, Joel, Jessica, Jennifer

January – February 2016

Dear Friends and Family,

A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.”  Proverbs 16:9

What a busy summer it has been for us here at Efata. It has been full of new opportunities and various frustrations.  However, as the verse above teaches, God is in control! We plan and devise but the Lord implements and guides

Ministry News

Summer is over and we are beginning the school year for the Deaf School, the Bible college, and Bible Institute. Children from the provinces are returning and we have many NEW students!

Because we had extra dorm space while school was out for our summer, we have been able to provide a short-term home to four babies, and quite a few children and teenagers.  Sometimes their parents were hospitalized, others taken in to jail, and sometimes the children had been abused or found abandoned.  We have been blessed to have the opportunity to provide shelter, food, clothing, and love, and to share the gospel of our Savior with these hearing children until the government finds them a more permanent home.  We have been able to lead many of them to Christ.  Please pray that He will continue to work in their lives. Many of them face terrible situations.

During this time, we have also kept busy with repairs and maintenance.  We were able to build two new much needed bathrooms.  We thank God for His special provision for this!

For several weeks I have been helping another church here in Lima that is trying to start a mission church.  We have seen people saved through this ministry.  Pray for wisdom as we continue to help.  The members of this group have decided to attend Efata on Sundays as they have no appropriate location to meet and their mother church is two hours away.

Fires of Evangelism 2016 ConferenceWe just finished our Fires of Evangelism Conference. This was by far one of the best conferences that we have hosted.  Five people were saved and 37 surrendered to serve the Lord.  Two teenage girls were baptized the next Sunday.  Pastor Luis Ramos from San Luis, Potosi, Mexico and missionary Byron Willis and his wife from Panama were our special speakers. God spoke to our hearts!   Almost 50 pastors came from across Peru and one missionary pastor from Colombia.  We thank God for the 500 in attendance. We look forward with great anticipation to next year’s conference. I am grateful to God for the privilege of working with such a wonderful staff.

We also had a youth retreat two weeks before the conference.  Several young people shared how the Lord has been working in their lives.

We are still struggling with the container of donations.  We knew it would be difficult, but the half has not been told! Please keep praying for this. We need a miracle! Because this has gone on since November, storage costs are going be outrageous. We are praying that Fargo Line, the company storing the container, will write it off as a donation. We look forward to seeing God work and cause them to release the container in a miraculous way! It will be such a blessing to our school and church. We don’t understand the delay but we know that He does, and we are learning to trust Him.  We covet your prayers.

Family News

Joseph and Zulema are a blessing to work with here, and we are enjoying baby JJ, their son. We enjoyed a visit from Frank and Julianne and our grandson David, in January. They are expecting their second child in July! James is in his final semester at Bible college and is praying about getting his Master’s degree.  Pray that God gives him and us wisdom.  Jared continues to serve in his local church in Fargo as he prepares for college.  He is still planning to become a pilot.  He has several options and we are praying with him for the Lord’s leading.

The kids at home are enjoying the last of their summer break.  School will start soon for them as well.  Pray for Judson as he has a year of school left.    Please pray that God will help him to be motivated as he does his school work.  He sure would rather be working in the construction needs here than doing homework, but he does need to finish these so he can move on to the next stages in his life.

Thank you all for your prayers and support.

Bro. Joe & Lisa
James, Jared, Judson, Joy, John, Joel, Jessica, Jennifer

November – December 2015

“I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” John 9:4

Sorry this prayer letter is a bit late.  I have been traveling a lot these past few months and so much has been going on.  As the verse above implies, we must be busy about our Master´s business as time is short and there is much to do.

Ministry News

It has been a good year at Efata Ministries.  This year we saw many deaf and hearing people saved and baptized and we are grateful to all the work that has been done.

2015 High School Graduating ClassSchool is out for our summer vacation as well as our seminary and Bible institute.  We graduated a good-sized group of deaf children in December.

We are now working on repair and construction needs for new bathrooms, nursery, classrooms and workshops, as well as preparing for our Fires of Evangelism conference in February.

The new Deaf outreach in El Agustino that Joseph started is doing well and our mission churches in Tablada and Callao are going strong.

At the end of November, the container of donations of the Big Box Project from Jacksonville, FL.  arrived in Peru.  Please, please pray as the process of getting the container out of customs has been very difficult.  We have to go through several government agencies and a private customs agency to get all the paperwork in order.  What should be simple is very complicated, involving several changes to the donation letter itself and much revision of the cargo, which has been an expensive and laborious task. The government here required additional information for each item.

Four different government organizations are involved in approving the shipment.  Requirements from one agency differ from those of another and the whole process is an exercise in bureaucracy.   We pray that we are finally at the end.  Almost 900 Bibles, 35,000 tracts, clothing and shoes, dormitory supplies and furniture, school supplies, computers, and toys—it will all be such a great blessing to Efata and our mission ministries.  GOD can!

Because this process has taken longer than the 30-day window of free storage offered by the shipping facility, they will be charging us storage fees backdated from the date the container arrived.  This will be very expensive.  Please pray they will be merciful and donate some time to us and not charge what they could.  Also, pray for the extra funds that will be needed to clear the container for release to us.

In December, a local mission church plant approached me to ask for help.  They are currently meeting in a member’s home. I am preaching for them every Sunday and working with them to formalize their mission and strengthen their believers.  This has been a blessing and we are thankful to be able to help.

We received three new dorm students this week. Please pray for them as they learn and grow.  One little girl was carried by her single mother on her back for the first four years of her life, as the mother sold Mentos candies.  She is looking desperately now for a different and better life for her little one.

Family News

Grandpa JoeHe’s here! Joseph James Kotvas was born to Joseph and Zulema on December 18th.  He is our second grandchild.  We are so thankful to the Lord for this new gift of life.

Our children are enjoying their summer vacation.  Judson turned 18 on the 16th of December.  We now have five adult children.  James begins his final semester in Bible College and Jared will finish up his second year in May as well.  Pray for both of them as they make decisions for their futures.

Thank you all for your prayers and support.  We are so thankful for the two new churches that have taken us on for support.

Thank you.

Bro. Joe & Lisa
James, Jared, Judson, Joy, John, Joel, Jessica, Jennifer

August – October 2015

Dear Friends and Family,

“I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” John 9:4

Sorry this prayer letter is a bit late.  I have been traveling a lot these past few months and so much has been going on.  As the verse above implies, we must be busy about our Master´s business as time is short and there is much to do.

Ministry News

In August I traveled to Trujillo to preach for another missionary who is away, at a Seminary youth meeting and for a church anniversary.  In September I was invited to preach a mission conference at Iglesia Bautista Redención (Redemption Baptist Church) in Tampa, FL.  It was this church’s first faith promise mission conference.   Three people were saved during the course of the conference and many decisions were made for the Lord.  Pastor Joel Marsh and his church family did a wonderful job. In mid-october, I preached another church anniversary in Chimbote and was blessed to lead a young lady to the Lord. This month I will be preaching in a pastor’s retreat and we also will have our Bible Conference in November.  These have been very full months. We praise God that He continues to bless and give fruit.

Also in August, a mission team from Oswalt Baptist Church in Trotman, NC came, helped us with several projects, and ministered spiritually as well to our people.  They were such a blessing.  They also helped with our Big Box project by providing the shipping funds needed to send the container.  Thank you so much!  Thank you Pastor Wesley and Bro, Jamie and church for your coordination, care and help.

Things are BUSY at Efata.  Missionary Bruce Martin came and taught a Bible history conference in September.  We are so thankful for him coming and teaching our people the wonderful and rich history of the Spanish Bible.

The new Deaf ministry in El Augustino is going well.  Joseph has been heading that up.  He is also putting together a new webpage for our church as well as a Peruvian Sign Language Dictionary on-line to help people learn the language.

Lisa and the kids are doing well.  Please especially pray for Lisa, Trisha Olson and our pastoral staff, as they are doing an incredible job finalizing the Big Box Project. Lisa has worked many late nights trying to get all the details worked out with the group of young people from Trinity Baptist Church in Jacksonville, FL, the customs in Peru, the shippers and the Peruvian ministries which have had to approve all of the donations.  We have reached the finish line! The container is shipping on November first. Pray that everything goes smoothly when it reaches Peru and goes through the customs process. The contents of this container will be a tremendous blessing.

Also pray for several of our families who have lost loved ones recently.  One of our missionaries lost his father, one of our members lost her 25-year-old granddaughter during child-birth and another former pastor with us lost his mother, as well.  All this in the same week.  We praise the Lord that Brigitte, the 23 year old sister of the deceased, was saved this week, as well as several others.

Recently we had our “Family Day” here at Efata Baptist Church.  It was a great day.  We had many visitors and seven people were saved and two baptized (one deaf and one hearing). We have had baptisms every Sunday in October. We also have seen several saved on visitation.

Family News

Lisa and I are awaiting our second grandson who is due in December.  Please pray for Joseph and his wife Zulema for her pregnancy.

James and Jared are doing well in Bible College.  This is James’ last year.  Jared is planning to complete his associate degree in Bible and then go into the National Guard to go to college for pilot training.

The other kids are doing well in their normal routines.  Joy just turned 15!  They are growing up quickly.  In December Judson will be 18.  Wow!  That will be five adult children with five minor children.  Halfway there!

Thank you all for your prayers and support.  We are so thankful for the two new churches that have taken us on for support.

Thank you.

Bro. Joe & Lisa
James, Jared, Judson, Joy, John, Joel, Jessica, Jennifer

June – July 2015

Dear Friends and Family,

Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! –  Psalm 107:8

These past two months have been very exciting here at Efata and in our family overall.  It never ceases to amaze me how wonderful our God is all times of our lives and ministry.  As the verse above mentions, we should always be a people that praises our LORD for his goodness and all that He does for, through and with us.

Ministry News

This past month we had a wonderful mission conference.  Pastors Franco Loyola from Ecuador and Victor Paez from Venezuela were our special speakers as well as several of our missionaries.  It was an incredible conference.  It was our first ever “Round Robin” conference with three other churches involved.  What a blessing.  It seems that we will be able to increase our Faith Promise Giving.  It is exciting to be a part of sending Peruvian missionaries around the world.

Recently God has allowed me to connect with a top general of the National Police.  He is an evangelical Christian and loves to preach the Gospel.  He is going to help us to a obtain permission to enter any prison in Peru to minister; even allowing us to start churches in some of the larger ones.  There is only one other religious organization that has this permission.  These fields are “white unto harvest”.  He even wants to make it possible for me to preach and teach in the Officers academy of the National Police.  What an opportunity.  Pray that this all works out.

Joseph has started a new Deaf ministry in El Augustino, an area about 45 minutes north of us by private auto. A church there has allowed us to use its facilities to minister to the Deaf in that area.  There are new deaf people who have not had much connection with us at Efata nor much education.  This is the Deaf mission field that is right before our eyes in our large city. With the help of some of our Deaf here at Efata, he is working hard to reach these wonderful people with the Gospel.

We rejoice that we were able to put the new roof on the cafeteria.  It has been a long time in coming.  We still need funds to finish it.  We need to run new electrical work, lighting, etc., as well as new paint and floor tile.  Pray for God´s provision for this project.  Our Pregnancy Crisis Center is under the same roof and we have had its operations scaled back until we can finish the roof and its accompanying repairs and installations.

The blessing is that the framework is in place to build six new classrooms for the school and church use.  All we need to do is put a roof on the second story structure and build the walls and infrastructure.

Family News

David Jonathan

Grandson David Jonathan Miller

IT’S OFFICIAL! Lisa and I are grandparents!  Julianne and Frank were blessed with a healthy baby boy – David Jonathan – on June 14th. You can see how handsome he is in the photo!  Lisa went up to help with the birth and I was able to coordinate a visit in conjunction to some VA medical exams that I had.

Zulema, Joseph’s wife, is doing much better with her pregnancy as well.  She had it rough with morning sickness.  Their baby is due in December.

We continue to see souls saved and are excited about the work the Lord is doing here at Efata and at our mission churches throughout Peru. Pray as we look at another area to start a new work during the coming months.   I am currently discipling two men.  One, Ronald, lives in one of the areas where we wish to start a work.  Pray that God will help him to grow and become a leader in His work.

Jared graduated from the one-year Bible college program at Master’s Baptist College in Fargo, ND.  He is very excited.  He has a good job and great opportunities there.  He has decided to continue in the college this year.  Continue to pray for God’s leading in his life.

James has one more year to go to finish at Baptist College of Ministry.  Pray for him for his finances and his summer internship.

Thank you all for your wonderful love and care for our ministry here in Peru and beyond.

Joe & Lisa
James, Jared, Judson, Joy, John, Joel, Jessica, Jennifer