“Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee.” – Mark 5:19
What an incredible and busy couple of months it has been for us here at Efata. As we see in the above verse, Jesus commanded the Maniac of Gadara after experiences “great things” from God, to go and tell others what Jesus had done for him. I would like to say God has done some great things here in our ministry that we are blessed to share with you all.
In April we co-hosted the Fires of Evangelism conference here at Efata. What a tremendous time of preaching and teaching for four days. Many decisions were made, and it was a great preparation for the evangelistic campaign that I mention below.
Last prayer letter I mentioned that we were looking forward to a city-wide mass evangelism project here in Lima. Pastor Mark Smith and a team of 17 from Faith Baptist church in Tacoma, WA, came and joined with us and over 35 other churches in Lima to distribute one million gospel tracts, 175,000 New Testaments and 75,000 whole Bibles.
What a week of evangelism and open doors. Several pastors were able to get into schools, police stations, fire stations and hospitals. In addition, hundreds of church members went out daily and distributed tracts and Bibles in parks, plazas, markets, train and bus stations, as well as on the streets all over Lima. Hundreds of people were saved, and we have reports of several visiting churches. In addition, during this time I was able to preach to over 1500 cadets in the school for police officials and sub officials. We were able to preach the gospel in two other police divisions, investigations and medical supply. We had over eighty of our own people come and go out to evangelize.
Another opportunity opened to meet with several congressional aides who were able to facilitate a meeting for us with the President of the Congress. Through that meeting, we were able to provide over 400 whole Bibles for Congress. Please pray for this. As of this writing, I have a meeting scheduled on June 12th with the third Vice-President of the Congress to schedule when we will have an assembly with Congress and congressional staffers to distribute the Bibles and preach the Gospel to them, which will be televised all over the nation.
We also celebrated the 46th anniversary of the church. It was a wonderful time. Missionary Tom Knickerbocker from H.E.L.P.s Ministries was our guest speaker. He was a great blessing, and our people really enjoyed his messages and encouragement.
On the School for the Deaf front, we are operating with five new kindergarten children and still supporting the several young people who are studying in primary and secondary grades. We continue to work on the permanent solutions we need to maintain and grow the school again. This, as with most bureaucratic issues, is time-consuming and expensive but we continue to make progress.
I also took a trip to Pucallpa to our Mission. It was good to see our folks there. There were about 20 Deaf and a few hearing in the service Wednesday evening. We are praying about moving to a better location to build closer to where there are more people who are unreached with the Gospel. We also continue to pray for a missionary pastor and family who can lead that mission who can work with both the hearing and Deaf. We continue to send preachers every week praying for God to raise up a permanent pastor/missionary.
Family News
Lisa and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary on the 20th of May. What an honor to serve the Lord together for these many years. We look forward to many more years together Lord willing.
Thank you for your continued prayers, for our family and the ministry. It is our honor to be co-laborers together with you in here in Lima, Peru.
“Recorría Jesús todas las ciudades y aldeas, enseñando en las sinagogas de ellos, y predicando el evangelio del reino, y sanando toda enfermedad y toda dolencia en el pueblo. Y al ver las multitudes, tuvo compasión de ellas; porque estaban desamparadas y dispersas como ovejas que no tienen pastor.” – Mateo 9:35-36
Hemos estado muy ocupados con este nuevo año. Han pasado tantas cosas. Como dice el versículo anterior, sigamos levantando nuestros ojos de las actividades presentes, como lo hizo Jesús, y tomando el tiempo para ver el ministerio más amplio y las necesidades más allá, las cuales Dios quiere que suplamos.
Enero a marzo han estado lleno de campamentos, conferencias y retiros. Nuestros adolescentes fueron al campamento juvenil y muchos tomaron decisiones que les cambiaron la vida. Jessica entregó su vida al Señor durante el campamento para adolescentes. Después de eso, organizamos un retiro para sordos en la ciudad de Chosica, a unas dos horas de nosotros. Esa fue una gran bendición, especialmente porque fue la primera que pudimos tener en un par de años. En la última semana de febrero tuvimos una conferencia juvenil en Efata junto con otras iglesias de la misma fe, con grandes prédicas y muchas decisiones para Cristo.
Nuestra misión en Tablada encontró un nuevo local para sus servicios. Vaciaron un piso de cemento y levantaron un techo, y ya se están reuniendo en ese lugar. El pastor Víctor Ocampo está haciendo un gran trabajo en ese ministerio.
Otra de nuestras obras misioneras, en Chancay, también va bien. El Pastor Henry Vásquez tuvo una gran EBDV y está haciendo un gran trabajo evangelizando la zona.
Seguimos viendo almas salvadas y bautizadas. Estamos emocionados para un proyecto de evangelismo masivo en la cual participaremos para toda la ciudad de Lima. Pastor Mark Smith viene con unos veinte miembros de la iglesia Faith Baptist en Tacoma, WA, para trabajar con varias iglesias aquí en Lima para distribuir un millón de tratados del evangelio, 75,000 nuevos testamentos y 25,000 Biblias completas. Están enviando tres contenedores de seis metros material. Los estamos hospedando y coordinando la logística para este proyecto y estamos emocionados para participar en ello.
Oren para que los contenedores lleguen sin problemas de aduanas y recepción. También intentaremos obtener acceso a funcionarios políticos, militares y policiales para testificarles. Esto puede ser complicado dada la inestabilidad política que ha consumido al Perú. Perú está en su séptimo presidente en cinco años y todavía hay fuertes disturbios y protestas en todo el país.
El Señor nos ha abierto la puerta para que volvamos a abrir nuestra escuela para sordos, aunque de manera limitada. Comenzaremos este año con inicial y primer grado, y avanzaremos según el Señor provee finanzas, nuevos maestros y oportunidades. Hemos estado suspendidos durante dos años y pensamos que íbamos a tener que cerrar permanentemente. Oren por sabiduría en esto y que Dios provea para que podamos contratar y capacitar a nuevos maestros y personal.
Noticias familiares
Lisa y yo volamos a los Estados Unidos por unas semanas entre febrero y marzo para mis citas médicas. Decidí no someterme a otra cirugía de hombro por ahora. Puedo manejar la incomodidad hasta que tomemos una licencia adecuada. Así evitaré estar fuera del trabajo por otros tres meses de recuperación y terapia. Mientras estuvimos en los Estados Unidos pudimos ver a todos nuestros hijos y nietos.
Joel, Jessica y Jennifer están bien y felices de tenernos en casa.
Gracias por sus constantes oraciones por nuestra familia y por el ministerio. Es un honor para nosotros ser colaboradores junto con ustedes aquí en Lima, Perú.
“And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.” – Matthew 9:35-36
We have been very busy with this new year. So much has happened. As the verse above states, we need to continue to lift up our eyes from what we are doing right in front of us as Jesus did and take the time to see the broader ministry and needs that lie beyond that God has for us to do.
January through March have been filled with camps, conferences and retreats. Our teens went to youth camp and many made life-changing decisions. Jessica surrendered her life to the Lord during teen camp. After that, we hosted a Deaf retreat in the city of Chosica, about two hours from us. That was such a blessing, especially since it was the first one we have been able to have in a couple of years. The last week of February we had a youth conference in Efata together with several other churches of like faith, with many teens making decisions for Christ.
Our mission church in Tablada was able to find a new place to meet. They have refurbished a property with a new roof and concrete floor to have permanent services again. Pastor Victor Ocampo is doing a great job in that ministry.
Another of our mission works, in Chancay, is doing well. Pastor Henry Vasquez had a great VBS and is doing a great job reaching this area with the Gospel.
We continue to see souls saved and baptized. We are looking forward to a city-wide mass evangelism project that we are preparing for here in Lima. Pastor Mark Smith, is coming with twenty or so members from Faith Baptist church in Tacoma, WA, to work with several churches here in Lima to distribute one million gospel tracts, 75,000 new testaments and 25,000 whole Bibles. They are sending three twenty-foot containers of material. We are hosting them and coordinating the logistics for this project and look forward to participating in it. Please pray that the containers will arrive with no hassles from customs and receiving. We will also attempt to gain access to political, military and police officials to witness to them. This may be complicated given the political instability that has consumed Peru. Peru is on their seventh president in five years and there is still strong unrest and protests all over the country.
The Lord has opened the door for us to reopen our school for the Deaf although in a limited capacity. We will start this year with kindergarten and work up as the Lord provides finances, new teachers, and opportunities. We have been suspended for two years and thought we were going to have to permanently close. Please pray for wisdom in this and that God will provide so we can hire and train new teachers and staff.
Family News
Lisa and I flew to the States for a few weeks for medical appointments that I had. I decided not to have the other shoulder surgery for now. I can manage the discomfort for now until a proper furlough so I would not be away from the work for another three months of recovery and therapy. While in the States we were able to see all of our children and grandchildren.
Joel, Jessica and Jennifer are doing well and happy to have us home.
Thank you for your continued prayers, for our family and the ministry. It is our honor to be co-laborers together with you in here in Lima, Peru.
“Jehová redime el alma de sus siervos, Y no serán condenados cuantos en él confían.” – Salmo 34:22
En estos días de celebración del nacimiento de nuestro Salvador, el Señor Jesucristo, recuerdo el motivo de ese nacimiento: nuestra redención que se realizó en la cruz del Calvario. Como nos recuerda el versículo anterior, nadie que confíe en Él será condenado. ¡Dios es bueno con su pueblo todo el tiempo!
Los dos últimos meses han sido muy activos. Lisa y yo viajamos a Chiclayo, Perú, donde prediqué y Lisa enseñó a las damas para un aniversario. Fue una bendición. Una señora fue salva y nos regocijamos en la reunión. Después de esto, viajamos a nuestra iglesia misionera en la ciudad selvática de Pucallpa. Dos sordos fueron salvos en esa visita. Nos complació tener una maravillosa comida y chocolatada para los que asistieron. Oren por ese trabajo ya que no tenemos un pastor permanente allí en este momento y los líderes de Efata en Lima viajan todas las semanas para predicar y enseñar.
Aquí en Efata tuvimos varias actividades especiales para Navidad: cenas, chocolatadas, intercambios de regalos, compañerismos y eventos familiares. El domingo de Navidad tuvimos el privilegio de bautizar a dos jóvenes oyentes y un joven sordo.
En estos meses prediqué en dos funerales donde repartimos docenas de tratados del Evangelio. Uno era para una fiel santa anciana de nuestra iglesia y el otro para un pariente cercano de una familia a la que estamos discipulando.
En noviembre celebramos el Día de Acción de Gracias con una maravillosa cena de pavo para todo el personal aquí en Efata. Fue un momento muy especial. También tuvimos nuestra reunión de planificación anual y esperamos un año completo de evangelismo, conferencias y actividades para la iglesia y nuestra comunidad como el Señor quiere.
Noticias de la familia
La familia está bien. Todavía me resulta extraño tener solo tres hijos en el hogar. Todas las noches, cuando nos reunimos para cenar, siento una ausencia en la mesa. Simplemente no se ve llena. Por supuesto, esto es una parte normal de la vida, pero sigue siendo extraño para mí. Me alegro de que varios de nuestros niños hayan podido reunirse durante las vacaciones. Tuvimos una agradable cena navideña de lasaña con nuestros hijos y la familia de Joseph.
Quiero agradecer a todos los que han enviado apoyo adicional durante estos días para ayudar con las cenas y proyectos especiales y para nuestra familia en Navidad. El cuidado por nosotros y por nuestro ministerio alienta mucho el corazón.
Deseamos sus oraciones continuas por nuestra familia y la obra de Dios en la que tenemos el privilegio de ser colaboradores junto con ustedes aquí en Lima, Perú.
Siempre estamos muy agradecidos por sus oraciones, su amistad y su apoyo financiero.
“The LORD redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate.” – Psalm 34:22
In these days of celebration of the birth of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, I am reminded of the reason for that birth – our redemption that was wrought on the cross of Calvary. As the verse above reminds us, no one who trusts in Him shall be left desolate. God is good to his people all the time!
This has been a very active past two months. Lisa and I traveled to Chiclayo, Peru where I preached, and Lisa taught ladies for a church anniversary. It was such a blessing. One lady was saved, and we rejoiced in the meeting. After this, we traveled to our mission church in the jungle city of Pucallpa. We had two Deaf saved during that visit. We were pleased to have a wonderful meal and “chocolatada” (hot chocolate and panettone) for those who came. Please pray for that work as we have no permanent pastor there at this time and leaders from Efata here in Lima have to travel there every week to preach and teach.
Here at Efata we had several wonderful activities for Christmas – dinners, chocolatadas, gift exchanges, fellowships and family events. On Christmas Day Sunday we were privileged to baptize two hearing young people and one Deaf young man.
During these months I preached two funerals where we passed out dozens of Gospel tracts. One was for a faithful older saint of our church and the other a close family member of a family we are discipling.
In November we celebrated Thanksgiving with a wonderful turkey dinner for all the staff folks here at Efata. It was a very special time. We also had our annual planning meeting and are looking forward to a full year of evangelism, conferences and activities for the church and our community as the Lord wills.
Family News
The family is doing well. It is still odd to me to only have three children still in the home. Every evening when we come together for dinner, I sense an absence at the table. It just does not seem full. Of course, this is a normal part of life, but it is still odd for me. I am glad that several of our children were able to meet together over the holidays. We had a nice Lasagna Christmas dinner with our kids and Joseph’s family.
I would like to thank all of you who have sent extra support during these days to help with the dinners, for special projects and for our family for Christmas. The care for us and for others in our ministry greatly encourages our hearts.
We covet your continued prayers for our family and the work of God that we are privileged to be co-laborers together with you in here in Lima, Peru.
We are always very thankful for your prayers, friendship and financial support.