July – September 2021

Dear Friends and Family,

 “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ”

– Philippians 1:6

I apologize for the tardiness of this letter.  I pray all is well in your place of service and God is moving and working in this new COVID reality. As the verse above states, God will perform His good work in us until Jesus comes. Nothing is going to delay or change His expected return on His timetable.  We may very well go through difficult times ahead, but this always works to refine his church, not hinder it.

It has been an incredible seven months of doctors’ appointments, surgeries, procedures, and recoveries for me. As we have been in the States for all of this, I have also filled pulpits for weeks for different pastors in churches in the Fort Myers area.  In August I flew to Peru for a few days, and after that, took our daughter Joy to Bible College.  Now we are home!  We returned to Peru on October 13th, and we are excited to get back to work.

My surgical fusion for my lower spine, therapy for my cervical spine and procedures for upper arm pain in both arms all successful.  I am still recovering from the spinal surgery, but I am doing well.

Joy is now several weeks into college and is adjusting well.  She also just turned 21 and is quite a young lady.  We are so proud of her and thankful to the Lord that she had the honor of growing up on the mission field.

As we return to Peru with our four youngest children–John, Joel, Jessica and Jennifer–we look forward to all that the Lord has for us here.

Peru is still dealing with COVID and the political uncertainties that lie ahead. We pray for the new president as he makes changes in Peru regarding immigration, vaccinations, and more.  We pray that this will not have any negative effects for us.  It will, however, affect visitors.  The government plans to require vaccinations for all who come into the country. They still require double masks outside.  The economy is still struggling, and inflation is on the rise.

We ask you to pray for wisdom, open doors and fruit as we continue to work towards an expanded Bible Institute for the Deaf to replace our school ministry that was shut down. Through a circuit riding ministry for Deaf throughout Peru, our desire is to see more Deaf saved and discipled and to find hearing who will learn sign language and even surrender to work with the Deaf. We pray we will find Deaf who would themselves surrender to the Lord’s work and be willing to be trained.

I also hope to do more in international work with the Deaf as the Lord gives opportunity. Our first international conference live stream was well viewed and received, and we hope to do that more.

Please pray that God will give me and our Peruvian leadership team wisdom and discernment as we move forward.

There are other ministries that we hope to re-establish or renew as restrictions lift from COVID.

In September, our missionary friends of Team Peru from Hammond, Indiana hosted a Pastor’s school, and we were honored to partner with them again this year by providing logistical support and space. Hundreds came and attended the preaching and classes. Many were saved, and others surrendered to full-time service for the Lord.  

This month, Joseph organized a special day for the Deaf and we had over 60 Deaf come that Sunday.  That was the most Deaf we have seen come to church since COVID shut everything down. We feel like we are making progress to the normalization of our services again. The hearing side of our ministry is doing very well. Our attendance has returned to near pre-COVID numbers with many new converts and attendees. Praise God!

Thank you all once again for your continued support and care for our family and the work with the Deaf and hearing in Lima, Peru and beyond.


Bro. Joe & Lisa,
John, Joel, Jessica, and Jennifer

Julio – Septiembre 2021

Queridos amigos y familia,

“estando persuadido de esto, que el que comenzó en vosotros la buena obra, la perfeccionará hasta el día de Jesucristo; ”

– Filipenses 1:6

Pido disculpas por la tardanza de esta carta. Oro para que todo esté bien en su lugar de servicio y Dios esté moviendo y obrando en esta nueva realidad COVID. Como dice el versículo anterior, Dios perfeccionará su buena obra en nosotros hasta que venga Jesús. Nada va a retrasar o cambiar Su esperada venida en Su tiempo. Puede que atravesaremos tiempos difíciles, pero esto siempre sirve para refinar su iglesia, no para detenerla.

Han sido siete meses increíbles de citas médicas, cirugías, procedimientos y recuperaciones para mí. Estando en los Estados Unidos por todo esto, también llené púlpitos durante semanas para diferentes pastores en iglesias locales en Fort Myers. En agosto volé a Perú por unos días, y después llevé a nuestra hija Joy a la escuela Bíblica. ¡Ahora estamos en casa! Regresamos a Peru el 13 de octubre, y estamos emocionados de volver al trabajo.

Mi fusión quirúrgica para la parte inferior de la columna vertebral, terapia para la columna cervical, y procedimientos para dolor en la parte superior de ambos brazos, todo fue exitoso. Todavía estoy en recuperación de la cirugía de columna, pero estoy bien.

Joy lleva ahora varias semanas en la universidad, y se está adaptando bien. Ella acaba de cumplir 21 años y es una linda señorita. Estamos muy orgullosos de ella y agradecidos al Señor que ella tuvo el honor de crecer en el campo misionero.

Al regresar a Perú con nuestros cuatro hijos más pequeños, John, Joel, Jessica y Jennifer, esperamos con ganas todo lo que el Señor tiene para nosotros aquí.

Perú sigue lidiando con COVID y las incertidumbres políticas relacionadas. Oramos por el nuevo presidente mientras realiza cambios en Perú con respecto a la inmigración, las vacunas y más. Oramos para que esto no tenga ningún efecto negativo para nosotros. Sin embargo, sí afectará a los visitantes. El gobierno planea exigir vacunas para todos los que ingresen al país. Todavía exigen mascarillas dobles al salir a la calle. La economía sigue luchando y la inflación va en aumento.

Les pedimos que oren por sabiduría, puertas abiertas y frutos mientras continuamos trabajando para aperturar un Instituto Bíblico para Sordos ampliado para reemplazar nuestro ministerio escolar que fue cerrado. A través de un ministerio en circuito para sordos en todo el Perú, nuestro deseo es ver a más sordos salvados y discipulados y encontrar oyentes dispuestos a aprender la lengua de señas e incluso rendirse para trabajar con los sordos. Oramos para encontrar sordos que se entreguen a la obra del Señor y estén dispuestos a ser entrenados.

También espero hacer más en la obra internacional con los sordos a medida que el Señor me de la oportunidad. Nuestra primera conferencia internacional virtual fue bien vista y recibida, y esperamos hacer eso más.

Oremos para que Dios nos dé a mí y a nuestro equipo de liderazgo peruano sabiduría y discernimiento a medida que avanzamos.

Hay más ministerios que esperamos restablecer o renovar a medida que se levanten las restricciones de COVID.

En septiembre, nuestros amigos misioneros del Equipo Perú de Hammond, Indiana, fueron anfitriones de una escuela para pastores, y tuvimos el honor de asociarnos con ellos nuevamente este año, brindándoles apoyo logístico y espacio. Cientos vinieron y asistieron a la predicación y las clases. Muchos fueron salvos y otros se rindieron para servir tiempo completo al Señor.

Este mes, Joseph organizó un día especial para los sordos, y ese domingo vinieron más de 60 sordos. Ese fue el mayor número de sordos que hayan llegado a la iglesia desde que COVID cerró todo. Sentimos que estamos avanzando nuevamente hacia la normalización de nuestros servicios. El lado de los oyentes de nuestro ministerio está funcionando muy bien. Nuestra asistencia ha vuelto casi como antes de COVID, con muchos nuevos conversos y asistentes. ¡Alabado sea el Señor!

Gracias a todos una vez más por su continuo apoyo y cuidado por nuestra familia y por la obra con las personas sordas y oyentes en Lima, Perú y más allá.


Hermano Joe y Lisa,
John, Joel, Jessica y Jennifer

May – June 2021

“God’s so Good, He gives us so many blessings, undeserved, that’s what we are. I want to thank Him, love and praise Him, a whole lot today and a whole lot more tomorrow!”

The simple song above is one of Lisa’s favorites. With all that we are experiencing today, it just resounds the greatness of our LORD and His worthiness of our praise. The past two months have been a marvel of the Lord’s greatness and goodness.

As you know, I had back surgery on April 13th to fuse L4 & L5 after removing a ruptured disc. The healing process is slow and stable. Two weeks ago, I went to the doctor, and he released me from all restrictions with a warning to be careful and to remember full healing will not come for another 4 to 10 months.  I can say I understand.

I have been preaching every Sunday here in Fort Myers. In June, I flew to the DBFA (Deaf Baptist Fellowship of America) and preached. A few days later, Lisa and I flew to Chicago for a Spanish “Fires of Evangelism” conference at First Baptist Church in Hammond, IN. Both conferences were wonderful, with great preaching and fellowship. However, the trips took a bit of a toll on my back, thus I will need to be more careful and patient.

Ministry News

As of this writing, our church in Peru has been able to have services most Sundays and Wednesdays. There were several weeks when they were forced to shut down for elections and holidays as the government did not allow in-person services due to COVID. Peru has been hit hard, and we lost another wonderful Pastor friend in Arequipa, Mauro Huaman, to COVID. He worked at EFATA when younger and single.

Peru is still extremely strict and keeps going back and forth with the shutdowns due to the unstable COVID situation.

We still do not know who is going to be the next president of Peru. The country is in political and economic turmoil at this time. There is much insecurity for the people. We pray that God with work in their hearts to make them more tender to receive the Word of God.

Until we know who will be the next president and what type of government we will have, there will not be much we can do about our school’s situation.  Understanding all of this, we rejoice in knowing that the Lord is in control and the opportunities for ministry are endless. We will continue to preach, see souls saved and baptized and make “full proof of our ministry!”

Family News

In May we had a family retreat and enjoyed having our children and grandchildren all together for the first time together in many years.

Judson got engaged to Valeria Balcazar, a wonderful young lady from Peru who is a pastor’s daughter studying at PCC. We have known her and her family for years, and they are close friends of ours. What a blessing.

We look forward to going back to Peru, Lord willing, in October. I am going to try to go down prior to that for a week to prepare for the family’s arrival and attend a Pastor’s Conference that we will be hosting at EFATA in September.

Until then, as I try to be careful and let my body heal, I will continue to preach as God gives me opportunity and serve Him here in the States.

Pray for Joy as she prepares for college at Baptist College of Ministry in Menomonee Falls, WI at Falls Baptist Church.

John, Joel, Jessica and Jennifer had the opportunity to go to Bible camp this year here in the States, and it was a great encouragement to them.

Once again, thank you for all you do and for your prayers and support for our ministry and family.


Bro. Joe & Lisa,
Joy, John, Joel, Jessica, and Jennifer

Marzo – Abril 2021

El que habita al abrigo del Altísimo Morará bajo la sombra del Omnipotente. Diré yo a Jehová: Esperanza mía, y castillo mío; Mi Dios, en quien confiaré. Él te librará del lazo del cazador, De la peste destructora. Con sus plumas te cubrirá, Y debajo de sus alas estarás seguro; Escudo y adarga es su verdad.

 – Salmo 91: 1-4

Joe y yo nos hemos maravillado al ver a Dios obrar en nuestras vidas y fortalecernos. Los versículos de arriba han sido de mucho ánimo, y hemos visto una y otra vez la bondad de nuestro Salvador. Somos realmente bendecidos al ver cómo nos ha protegido y cuidado.

Joe se sometió a una cirugía el 13 de abril en Fort Myers, Florida. Los médicos hicieron una fusión y reemplazaron un disco. Estamos agradecidos de que haya comenzado a sanar y de que Dios nos haya proporcionado un lugar para quedarnos. Nuestra iglesia local, Emmanuel Baptist Church, muy amablemente nos está hospedando. Joe no puede doblarse, torcerse, ni levantar nada que pese más de dos kilos durante seis semanas. La recuperación completa llevará de seis meses a un año. Nuestro hijo James (con su dulce esposa Ann y sus pequeños) estaba en esta área predicando y fueron de gran ayuda. Disfrutamos el tiempo con ellos y con Julianne, su esposo y sus hijos pequeños. Creo que los nietos hacen que “el corazón alegre constituye buen remedio.”

Noticias del ministerio

En Perú hay cinco veces más muertes diarias en este momento que hace dos años. La COVID-19 parece estar en su punto máximo, ya que la cepa brasileña prevalece en Perú y muchas personas en Efata la han tenido este mes. Estamos agradecidos de que se estén recuperando pero les pedimos sus oraciones por ellos. Muchos han perdido a miembros de su familia. Los que no están enfermos ahora mismo continúan ministrando compartiendo lo que tienen en sus alacenas, en sus bolsillos e incluso arriesgando su propia salud para ayudar a los que están desesperados.

Alabamos al Señor por el amor y el sacrificio que han mostrado. Se han salvado almas gracias a su valiente testimonio amoroso. Agradecemos a Dios por ustedes que también han brindado su ayuda. Este no es un momento fácil. Perú celebró elecciones presidenciales este mes y la elección entre dieciocho candidatos/partidos se redujo a los dos candidatos con más votos. Planean tener una segunda elección el seis de junio. Un candidato es un socialista fuerte promoviendo reformas de extrema izquierda en la línea de Chávez, y la segunda candidata es una mujer cuyo padre, un ex presidente, está cumpliendo condena. Todos dicen que tendrán que votar por el candidato menos dañino. Oren para que Dios use este tiempo de muerte y desánimo en el Perú para que el querido pueblo peruano mire a Cristo para ser salvos. Ore para que los cristianos del Perú sean una luz brillante en esta oscuridad.

Nuestra escuela ha sido suspendida. Al momento de escribir esta carta, las escuelas de todo el Perú no pueden reunirse presencialmente. La iglesia se está reuniendo por transmisiones en vivo, y la Escuela Dominical a través de las reuniones interactivas de Zoom. Nuestras damas también han estado cantando y compartiendo versículos entre ellas. Nuestra reunión de jóvenes también se realiza a través de Zoom. Es difícil para muchos que están sufriendo económicamente, pero responden con gozo al ver que Dios provee para sus necesidades.

Noticias de la familia

A Jared y Judson les va bien en las fuerzas armadas. Joy se está preparando para ir al seminario este otoño. John, Joel, Jessica y Jennifer están educándose en casa. Manténgalos en sus oraciones mientras lidiamos con estos cambios. Han sido una bendición.

Joseph y Zulema y sus pequeños están en Texas viajando en conferencias, y estamos esperando su llegada a Florida la próxima semana. Han estado luchando con problemas de salud mientras viajaban y agradecen sus oraciones.

James y Ann se dirigen al norte de Florida y continúan en el camino de la diputación, presentando el ministerio en Perú que Dios ha puesto en sus corazones. Ore por la protección de Dios para su salud y la provisión para sus necesidades.

Todavía hay seis niños y jóvenes sordos que llaman hogar a Efata. Oren por la provisión, la salud y el consuelo de Dios. Oren por nuestro equipo, especialmente por los que se están recuperando del COVID.

Gracias a todos por su maravilloso amor y cuidado por nuestro ministerio en Perú y más allá.



Hermano. Joe y Lisa,
Joy, John, Joel, Jessica y Jennifer

March – April 2021

Dear friends and family,

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

 – Psalm 91:1-3

Together, Joe and I have marveled as we watch God work in our lives and strengthen us. The verses above have been a great encouragement and we have seen again and again the goodness of our Saviour. We are truly blessed to see how He has protected and cared for us.

Joe had surgery the 13th of April in Fort Myers, Florida. The doctors did a fusion and replaced a disk. We are thankful that he has begun to heal, and that God provided a place for us to stay. Our home church Emmanuel Baptist Church has graciously allowed us to stay during this time. Joe cannot bend or twist or lift anything over 5 pounds for 6 weeks. Full recovery will take six months to a year.  Our son James (with his sweet wife Ann and their littles) was down in this area preaching and they were a big help. We have enjoyed the time being close to them and Julianne and her husband and young ones. I think the grandchildren are part of “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.”

Ministry News

In Peru there are five times as many deaths each day right now as there were two years ago. COVID-19 is seemingly at a peak as the Brazilian strain is prevalent in Peru and many people at Efata have had it this month. We are thankful that they are recuperating but we ask your prayers for them.  Many have lost family members.  Those who are not sick right now continue to minister sharing what they have in their cupboards, in their pockets and even risking their own health to help those who are desperate.

We praise the Lord for the love and sacrifice that they have shown. Souls have been saved through their bold loving witness.  We thank God for those of you who have given to help as well.  This is not an easy time.  Peru held presidential elections this month and the election between eighteen candidates/parties was reduced to the two candidates with the most votes. They plan to have a second election the 6th of June.  One runner is a strong socialist promising far left reforms in the Chavez vein, and the second candidate is a woman whose father, a former president himself, is serving time.  Everyone says they will have to vote for the least damaging.  Please pray that God will use this time in Peru of death and discouragement for the dear Peruvian people to look to Christ to save them. Pray for the Christians in Peru to be a bright, bright light in this darkness.

Our school has been suspended. As of this writing, schools across Peru are not allowed to physically meet. The church is meeting through online services and online Sunday School that is interactive through Zoom meetings. Our ladies have been memorizing verses and singing and sharing with each other as well.  Our youth meeting is also over Zoom.  It is hard for many who are hurting financially, but they respond with joy as they see God provide for their needs.

Family News

Jared and Judson are doing well in the military.  Joy is getting ready to go to Bible college this fall. John, Joel, Jessica, and Jennifer are homeschooling. Please keep them in your prayers as we juggle things with these adjustments.  They have been a blessing.

Joseph and Zulema and their littles are traveling in Texas in conferences, and we look forward to them traveling to Florida next week.  They have been struggling with health issues while traveling, and appreciate your prayers.

James and Ann are headed to north Florida and continue on the deputation trail, presenting the ministry in Peru that God has placed on their heart.  Please pray for God’s protection for their health and provision for their needs.

There are still six deaf children and young people who call Efata home.  Pray for God’s provision, healing and comfort.  Please pray for our staff – especially those currently recovering from COVID.

Thank you all for your wonderful love and care for our ministry in Peru and beyond.



Bro. Joe & Lisa,
Joy, John, Joel, Jessica, and Jennifer